"IT w Administracji" is a monthly magazine for IT managers and public sector IT specialists. It is devoted to information technologies used in the public sector, issues of broadly understood e-government, computerization of public entities and legal issues in IT.The magazine presents hardware solutions, ways of its configuration and recommends useful IT tools used in public administration. He deals with issues related to cybersecurity and network traffic management. It discusses the most important legal issues and the practical application of laws and regulations on computerization.The magazine is addressed to IT specialists employed in: municipal offices, cities, poviats, voivodships, government institutions and state agencies, police and army units, courts, prosecutors offices, health care, cultural centers, universities, school complexes, social welfare centers, employment offices . It is also addressed to network administrators and officials managing the process of informatization of the public sector.You can download the IT application in Administration for free. It enables access to an electronic subscription purchased from the publisher.